
Customer Testimonials

See what our customers say on Facebook and Google

I have used Allins for all my towing needs, no job was too big or small. Their customer service and product knowledge is exceptional!
Graham Klomp
Pre-delivery Coordinator
Australian Motors Group
I have been dealing with Allins for many years now and have always found them to be helpful and prompt with their work.

Communication has always been great with quote requests coming back with in hours of requesting.

Their workmanship is faultless.
Ted Higgins
Vans Sales Executive
Mercedes-Benz Unley
Allin Towbars are a dedicated SA family owned business that we as a SA family operated dealership take great pride in supporting.

Our dealership relies on their abilities to deliver outstanding customer service and aftermarket products.

Their product knowledge, manufacturing and workmanship are exceptional and we commend them for providing these at the highest standards for our customers.
Renee Cockerill
Stock Control | Delivery Coordinator | Registration Delegate
Duttons Adelaide Hills

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